Trade Fairs
At present, we hold approximately four social events each year. They're usually bustling affairs, with a range of stalls, therapy tasters, people selling homemade food and goods or advertising their services. Any member can have a stall - just contact the events organiser to arrange one. You can bring samples or photos or your work, or give out business cards. Trade fairs are a great venue to meet new members, socialise and get an idea of the array of the goods and services that are available from the LETS community at large. At one LETS trade fair, an auction was held with goods ranging from an unusual deck of cards to a car! So you can really trade anything with LETS!
Local Meetings
People are always coming up with extra ideas for meeting up. Current ideas are group therapy, teaching of massage techniques and foraging excursions. You can advertise these via the normal offer listings, but please contact the admin team if you'd like your event placed on the news page. Any extra help with organising events, or ideas for new events are always welcome - please contact the admin team.
Annual General Meeting
Held once a year, the general meeting is your opportunity to have your say in the running of LETS! The administration committee reports on how the year has gone since the last AGM, there is time for discussion and the next year's committee is decided.
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