Administration of the Scheme

Running LETS

Edinburgh LETS is run by the members - everyone contributes in different ways: putting up posters, attending events, taking publicity photos, helping with admin, events or committee tasks. Suggestions for additional events or venues are always welcome - and members are free to organise events and workshops themselves, and advertise them through their website offers.

Members can learn more about our volunteering opportunities, and our current committee and helpers by clicking here.

Help towards running costs

Donations towards LETS admin and website costs are always appreciated. Please send them directly to our bank account: Bank of Scotland, Sort Code: 80-02-29, Account no. 00275500.

or post a cheque or postal order to this address:

c/o The Peace and Justice Resource Centre,
St. John’s Church, Prince’s Street,
Edinburgh EH2 4BJ

There is a small joining charge for all new members: click here for details.

We may also raise funds by asking members to pay a small annual charge at some point in the future.

The Social Fund

The Social Fund was set up for disadvantaged members who need a little help to tide people over a bad patch or launch them into LETS trading without incurring too large a reekie debt. You can regularly gift a portion of your LETS reekie earnings to the fund, or give single amounts. When people leave, some are kind enough to donate their Reekies to the fund. The Social Fund is quite new to Edinburgh LETS, so it is still evolving. If you have questions about the social fund, please ask the Reekie Treasurer.


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